


This page has links to all of the documents and other websites containing information related to this matter. It is presented here as a convenience for those who wish to review the entire file.

Correspondence and Documents relating to PERS


November 7, 1986 Memo to Salem County Treasurer This memo from the NJ Division of Pensions requests a list of all temporary JTPA employees, claiming they were ineligible under the new statute. Dutifully, my County responded without questioning the validity of the term temporary since everyone who would be on the list had more than 12 months continuous service and was considered "permanent for pension purposes." I was not asked for any input on this issue.
November 20, 1986 Response from the Salem County Treasurer Information provided, no questions asked.
October 14, 1998


Letter to PERS Request to PERS to explain why Salem County JTPA employees are denied enrollment while other JTPA staff members of other employers in New Jersey are allowed in system.
November 19, 1998
Letter from PERS. Response to Oct 14th letter, requesting more information.
December 2, 1998 Letter to PERS Letter to PERS with requested information
December 21, 1998 Letter from PERS

Letter from PERS advising my Deputy Director that Salem County JTPA employees are eligible to enroll in PERS and to purchase past service if the service resulted in permanent employment with the same employer.

March 10, 1999 Form letter from PERS on veteran status This form letter simply advised me that they agreed I was a veteran.
May 16, 2000 Letter regarding Layoff Letter from the Clerk of the Board of Chosen Freeholders advising of lay-off.
May 17, 2000 General Layoff Notice

Specific Layoff Notice
This notice went to all my staff and each got their own specific notice as well.

This was my own special notice
June 1, 2000 Letter of Resignation to Freeholder Director

Letter to Salem County Treasurer
This was my letter to the Freeholder Director advising him I would be retiring coincident with the date of layoff.

My letter to the Treasurer advising of retirement and requesting assistance in filing for pension
June 2, 2000 NJ Department of Personnel Layoff Notice This letter confirms layoff and advises of appeal rights
June 5, 2000 Letter from Salem County Treasurer This letter acknowledges my 6/1/2000 letter and assures cooperation.
June 21, 2000 Application to Retire and Purchase Service
Letter to Salem County Treasurer
My application, based on my discussions with Wendy Jamison at PERS.

This letter requested the Treasurer to provide information requested by PERS.
July 7, 2000 Letter from PERS And now the confusion begins - note that they are showing my retirement effective March 1, 2007 despite all of the prior submissions from me requesting an effective date of July 1, 2000.
July 13, 2000 Letter to PERS My response to their July 7th letter. Note that I attempted to correct their error in the retirement date.
July 18, 2000 Notice from PERS on Request to Purchase County service

Notice from PERS on Request to Purchase military time
This notice was regarding my request to purchase time I worked for the County

This notice was regarding my request to purchase the almost 4 years of active duty time in the US Navy.
July 24, 2000 Notice from PERS regarding verifying my employment This notice states that my employer is unable to verify my employment from July 1, 1981 to March 31, 1993. This is strange since I worked for the same employer, without interruption, from December 23, 1974 to June 30, 2000.
July 29, 2000 Notice from PERS on eligibility to purchase

Purchase Quote for Navy Time

Purchase Quote for County Time 1/1/1979 to 7/30/1980 and 8/1/1980 to 6/30/1981

Purchase Quote for County Time 5/1/1985 to 9/30/1986
This notice tells me I can purchase some service, but not all.

- 45 months


- 30 months

- 17 months

So, now we have accounted for my Navy time and 47 months of the 306 months I worked for the County.

September 9, 2000 Letter to PERS with DoP info This was my letter in reply to PERS' July 24th request that I contact Dept of Personnel. Note that I am requesting they hold off on requiring me to purchase service in small chunks until they get my entire purchase amount in one lump sum.
October 3, 2000 Letter from PERS This letter tells me that despite their having already made a determination regarding 47 months of my time, they are now determining that none of the 219 months of my service from December 23, 1974 through April 7, 1993 is eligible. At this point I called the Supervisor, Peter Mullings, and reminded him of the December 21, 1998 letter from the Board of Trustees. He said he would look into it.
November 5, 2000 Letter from PERS This letter tells me that now they have determined I am eligible to purchase all of those 219 months. So now all that's left is the remaining 87 months of County service.
December 20, 2000 Purchase Quote for my Navy time (again.) This is another quote to purchase my Navy time. It's gone up a bit since the July 29th quote, but I can live with that.
February 7, 2001 Certified Check On February 7, 2000, I drove to Trenton to get a "firm" quote on the total amount due to purchase my 45 months of Navy time and my 306 months of County time. I finally got an amount and  had a certified check drawn for the full amount.
February 9, 2001 Letter to PERS with amended application. After leaving Trenton on February 7th I spoke with Wendy Jamison (Board Secretary) on February 8th and she advised me to submit an amended application. Note that I am still requesting a July 1, 2000 retirement date. On February 9, 2000 I hand delivered the amended application and the check to the PERS Office in Trenton. After waiting 2 1/2 hours for them to complete the processing on my pension, they came down and told me I wasn't eligible for a pension. Hence, the check is Voided.
  Letter from PERS on amended application. This letter acknowledges receipt of my amended application. Note that they are now saying the Board has to approve and my payments cannot start until 30 days after Board approval. This despite the Board having already approved all of this in December 1998.
February 16, 2001 Letter from PERS Now I am not eligible again. Note the statement that JTPA service "is ineligible for membership" which is an absolutely incorrect interpretation of the law by a clerical staff person who is charged with advising the Board. If this was correct, then many people who are in both active and retired status are illegally contributing or collecting pensions.
February 23, 2001 Letter from PERS This letter acknowledges receipt of my application and again incorrectly states that I am seeking to retire March 1, 2007.
March 2, 2001 Letter from PERS This letter advises that the papers I sent in response to their February 23 letter were incomplete (lacking signature or notary). Still stating March 1, 2007 as my retirement date.
March 7, 2001 Letter from PERS Letter advising me that my application to retire effective July 2000 is denied.
March 15, 2001 Letter to PERS Letter in response to their March 2nd letter submitting another amended application and again reiterating an effective date of July 1, 2000. I also requested a meeting with the Board of Trustees which was set for March 21, 2001.
March 23, 2001 Letter from PERS This letter advises of Board of Trustee action to postpone consideration of my request to purchase service until they receive more information.
April 3, 2001 Letter Brief to PERS This document is in response to the Board of Trustees' request at the March 21, 2001 meeting. This was in preparation for the April 18, 2001 meeting with the Board. The 31 attachments listed on page 11 have not been attached to this copy of the document in the interest of bandwidth.
April 20, 2001 Letter from PERS This is the initial "determination" letter from the April 18th meeting. Note that the reason they give is that I was employed under JTPA. They totally overlook the term "temporary" in the statute as well as the Court decisions of Vliet and Gladden which give the correct interpretation.
April 30, 2001 Letter to PERS This letter, from my attorney, advises the Board that we will be appealing their April 18th denial of a portion of my purchase.
May 1, 2001 Purchase Quote for County time This purchase quote again addresses some of my Salem County employment and allows for the purchase of 141 months from 12/23/1974 to 9/18/1986. This leaves 165 months of County service unaccounted for.
May 17, 2001 Final Administrative Determination This letter details the "reasons" why the Board denied my application and, once again, incorrectly interprets the statute, variously claiming that "temporary JTPA employees" are ineligible and then that all JTPA employees are excluded. Once again, the Board ignored the case law and statutes which determine this issue.
June 25, 2001 Notice of Appeal This is my notice to the Board of Trustees that we are appealing that portion of their decision denying my application to purchase time from 9/18/1986 through April 1, 1993.
July 19, 2001 Filed Notice of Appeal This is a copy of the filed Notice of Appeal showing the filing date and assigned docket number.
September 27, 2001 State's Case Information Statement filed with the Court. This is a large document (64 pages - 5 Megs) and includes much of the documentation above. Of special interest, however, is the letter from the Salem County Treasurer (on page 17) dated June 28, 2000 to Peter Mullings. This is the same Treasurer who, on June 5, 2000 wrote to me and assured that my matter would be a priority. This was the first I was aware that she was taking the position that I was not eligible. So much for "support."

Also of interest is the October 27, 1993 letter on page 22 from Mary Ellen Rathbun to the Salem County Treasurer. This position once again misinterprets the statute and implies that all JTPA funded employees are precluded from participating. The State keeps referring to the "Governor's Reconsideration and Recommendation Statement" which did state  that all JTPA employees were to be excluded but the Legislature then only excluded temporary employees without defining "temporary", and, the cases of Vliet and Gladden deal with that issue.

This package also includes copies of the forms to put me into the system and take me out of the system several times during the course of my employment with the County.
October 22, 2001 Appellant's Brief This is the brief filed on my behalf attempting to state my case succinctly. It runs to 63 pages and is a very large file (17.5 Megs)
November 2, 2001 Attorney General Request for an extension The Attorney General's Office requested an extension for time to file their brief. We did not object.
December 21, 2001 Attorney General's Brief An interesting document. Especially noteworthy is the way in which Deputy Attorney General Debra A. Allen manages to make the leap (on page 18) from claiming "The amended statute unambiguously states that: "A temporary employee [under the JTPA] shall not be eligible..." to "NJSA 43:15A-7(h) establishes that all JTPA employees are ineligible for membership in the PERS." The law does not say all, it says temporary.

This error is continuously made by the State in all it's arguments regarding my pension and it clearly disregards the case law and statutes regarding temporary employment and eligibility for enrollment. No matter that the "Governor's Reconsideration and Recommendation Statement" requests exclusion of all and the legislature chose to exclude only temporary, the State, without fail, erroneously cites this statement as part of the statute, and, it is not part of the law as passed by the legislature.

January 14, 2002 Appellant's Reply Brief This is our response to the State's brief.
March 20, 2002 Letter to PERS This letter is in reponse to a notice I received from PERS advising that my PERS account was going to expire since I hadn't been contributing. I requested they put the matter on hold.
April 1, 2002 Letter from PERS This letter agrees to my request to put the expiration of my pension contributions to date on hold while we work out the problem.
June 24, 2002 Appellate Court Decision - not approved for publication The Appeals Court reversed the decision of the Board of Trustees and remanded it for further proceedings. This Appeals Court panel correctly interpreted the law regarding "temporary" and enrollment in PERS and required PERS to explain why it's not applicable in my case.

Unfortunately, the Court did not retain jurisdiction to ensure that PERS did what it was told to do and, as you will see, they didn't.

August 13, 2002 Letter to PERS The Deputy Attorney General requested a postponement of our scheduled return to the Board on August 21, 2002 since apparently some of the folks in Trenton wanted a trial de novo (start from scratch in other words). As my attorney points out, this is not what the Appeals Court ordered.
August 23, 2002 Letter from PERS This letter states that the PERS Board reconsidered and reaffirmed their prior determination. They did no such thing. When we got to the hearing the Deputy Attorney General did not even have a copy of the Appeals Court decision and I had to give him mine to read. They took all of three minutes to "reconsider and reaffirm". They in no way complied with the order of the Court in that period of time.
August 21, 2002 Letter to my attorney This was written after several days of cooling off and pretty clearly explains my position and what I believe to be the state of the law regarding my enrollment in PERS.
September 11, 2002 Notice of Motion for Leave to Appeal
Brief in Support of Motion
We decided to try to make an interlocutory appeal before the Board of Trustees handed down its final determination.
September 19, 2002 PERS Final Administrative Determination The Board handed down its determination before we received a response to our motion to appeal. Here again they claim that all JTPA paid employees are excluded, without exception.
September 20, 2002 Attorney General Certification in Opposition to our motion. DAG Allen claims that the Board reconsidered and still found that the statute required all JTPA members to be removed from PERS (again, a misreading of the statute.)
September 27, 2002 Letter to my attorney The frustration is showing in this letter, written after receiving the Final Administrative Determination. It's self explanatory.
October 2, 2002 Reply Brief of Appellant This is our response to their Sept 20 opposition.
October 24, 2002 Order Denying Leave to Appeal And the Court says "No."
October 25, 2002 New Notice of Appeal Appealing again...
November 1, 2002 Letter to Appellate Division Sending copies of the administrative determinations which they couldn't locate.
November 11, 2002 Corrected Notice of Appeal Supplying stuff the Appellate Division needed.
December 17, 2002 DAG Letter to Appellate Division Provides information on the "record" for the appeal from the Deputy Attorney General
December 18, 2002 Amended Notice of Appeal

Scheduling Order
In response to a phone call from the Appellate Division

Sets up the deadlines for briefs and replies (which is totally ignored by the DAG - see below)
December 31, 2002 Letter from my attorney Cover letter for the DAG letter of 12/17 and Scheduling Order of 12/18
January 10. 2003 My outline of a draft brief to my attorney This is my position on the matter as expressed to my attorney for consideration
January 28, 2003 Draft of brief from my attorney

My reply on the draft brief
This is a draft of the brief my attorney prepared and sent to me for review

My attempt to clarify some errors I found in the short time available
January 31, 2003 Brief submitted This is the final copy of the brief on this appeal submitted on time, January 31, 2003
February 20, 2003 Correct Brief This corrected copy was filed because the Appellate Division said we used the wrong color covers and had too many characters per line in the original brief.
March 25, 2003 Letter objecting to extension Letter objecting to DAG's request for 30 days extension to file response. Note that their response was due no later than March 3, 2003 so they were already three weeks past their deadline and should have been precluded from any filing.
April 2, 2003 My response to the request My response to my attorney on the DAG's request for a 30 day extension.
April 28, 2003
PERS cover letter with their Brief

Motion for another 30 days extension

Certification of Debra A. Allen

PERS Brief
Motion to file out of time with Certification of the DAG why she needs yet 30 more days.
May 8, 2003 Letter to me from my attorney regarding the below documents

Cover letter for Reply Brief

Reply Brief

Proof of Service of Brief

Objection to Motion

Certification for Objection to Motion

Proof of Service of Objection
A lot happened on May 8th. We filed our own reply to the DAG's Brief as well as an objection to their motion for an extension of time to file.
May 19. 2003 Motion Granted Despite all the above, the Court granted the DAG's motion for an extension of time.
February 9, 2004 2nd Appellate Decision A second appellate panel (not the same three judges who made the first decision of June 2002) made this decision and, reading through it, I wonder if they even bothered to read the first appellate panel's decision at all. Of course, this one was approved for publication (and, as of late 2010, has been cited 7 times in other New Jersey Appellate and Supreme Court decisions.)
February 24, 2004 Substitution of Counsel Because I truly believed the Court was still missing the point and wished to appeal this decision, I released my then attorney and substituted myself while I sought an attorney with more Supreme Court experience. I did retain other Counsel and the NJ Supreme Court denied certification of my appeal.
October 11, 2004 Letter from me to the ACLU Believing this action by the Board to still be in violation of the statutes and case law, I sought outside help.
November 2, 2004 Response from the ACLU They declined to get involved.
February 9, 2007 Letter to PERS Since PERS had told me that I didn't have sufficient time to qualify for "early retirement" when I retired in June 2000 and would have to wait until after I turned age 60, I wrote to PERS for an updated quote as I approached by 60th birthday.
April 26, 2007 Email to Mary Williams Walsh of the New York Times Ms. Walsh was digging into the pension abuse situation in New Jersey and I sent her this email hoping to get her help in resolving this matter for myself and others who were similarly situated. I got no response.
May 1, 2007 Follow up letter to Robert Constantini of the US Dept of Veterans Affairs

Second letter to PERS for update
I met Mr. Constantini at a seminar and provided him with a letter outlining the situation as it applies to being a veteran in NJ. This letter was a follow up to see if he had found someone within the VA to help.

Not having had any reply from PERS to my February 9, 2007 letter I sent a second request.
May 2, 2007 Letter to Major General Glenn K. Rieth of the NJ Dept of Military and Veterans Affairs Still seeking to resolve this matter and get some clarification on just how much New Jersey is willing to honor its commitment to its veterans, I sent this letter to the head of the NJDMVA. I never received any response.
May 3, 2007 Letter from PERS in response to my second request This letter explains that they must have a lot of correspondence and didn't get to my February 9th letter yet...
May 29, 2007 Reply from Robert Constantini Declined to help. (Note that the letter is incorrectly dated March 29, 2007)
June 20, 2007 Letter from PERS This letter simply repeats the erroneous information from before, stating that I could only have purchased 141 months and since I hadn't done so in the requisite time period, I was not eligible.
July 27, 2007 Letter to PERS I received a response to my May 1, 2007 letter on June 20, 2007 from PERS in which they were now stating I was ineligible for any pension since I did not make any purchase of service within the two years following my retirement in June 2000 (despite the April 1, 2002 letter which agreed to put the purchase on hold.)
July 30, 2007 Letter to Halpern Mr. Halpern was the attorney I retained to handle the appeal to the NJ Supreme Court. I had never received copies of the documents he had filed in the appeal and requested that he provide me with a copy of those documents as well as those filed by the State. Although he did advise me after receipt of this letter that he would dig them out and send them to me with a copying costs bill, I never received either.
August 22, 2007 Letter from PERS Letter advising me that I can appear on September 19, 2007 before the Board of Trustees
September 4, 2007 Fax of letter to PERS This was a follow up to a letter I mailed but I wanted to be sure they received it in a timely manner.
September 24, 2007 Letter from PERS Letter which supposedly explains the Board's decision to not grant me the purchase of service.
November 5, 2007 Letter to PERS My response to their September 24th "explanation"
November 16, 2007 Letter from PERS Their reply to my November 5th letter.
February 21, 2008 Letter to PERS An attempt to once again clarify the facts.


CASE LAW, STATUTES and administrative code


Vliet v. Bd. Trustees Pub. Emp. Retire. Syst., 156 N.J. Super. 83 (1978)
Gladden v. Pub. Emp. Ret. Sys., 171 N.J. Super. 363, 371 (App. Div. 1979)
Lewis v. Board of Trustees (June 24, 2002 - Not Approved for Publication)
Lewis v. Board of Trustees, 366 N.J. Super. 411 (2004)
Governor Kean's recommendation to the Legislature on amending PERS statute
NJSA 43:15A-7 Public Employees' Retirement System, established; membership
N.J.A.C.17:2-2.3 Ineligible persons